June 2, 2015

Consultation Services

It’s a high-tech world out there. Cloud-based quickbooks, e-fax, document archiving, cloud storage, global collaboration, VoIP,… We keep up-to-date on what’s hot, what’s cool, and what works best for your needs.

Tidewater Techs will sell you what you want and need. However, that is after a discussion of where your business is headed and where you are today. We don’t like selling you enterprise grade hardware that will be outdated before your business grows to take advantage of the resources. Instead, we match your needs with hardware that allows growth within it’s life cycle. All hardware has a life cycle – and no, it’s not ten (10) years.

We are happy to work in tandem with other technology providers to ensure proper setup and installation of all your services. While making sure they meet your goals.

A satisfied client is a happy client. We love happy clients.